mobile background

코네스토가 컬리지는 1967년 승인된 공립대학으로 온타리오주에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 대학 중에 하나이며, 폴리테크닉 교육을 선도하고 있습니다.  커리어 개발에 초점을 맞춘 프로그램들은, 실습과정 (co-op) 이 들어가 있는 디플로마, 준석사과정, 정규 학사 과정 등을 제공하고 있으며, 이를 통해 학생들이 현대사회가 필요로 하는 우수한 인재로 성장하고 있습니다. 

코네스토가 대학이 위치하고 있는 워털루 지역은  Start up 하는 많은 회사들과,  도요타, 구글 캐나다 본사, ManuLife, SunLife 회사들을  비롯한 기존의  많은 회사들이 있어서, 졸업생들은 반경 40km 내에서 취업을 하고 있습니다.  또한 이 지역은 다양하고 풍부한 문화와 활기 넘치는 지역으로 저렴한 주거비, 편리한 대중 교통 시스템을 갖추고 있고, 토론토에서 차로 1시간 거리의  중소도시 이면서, Big cities 의 장점들을 가지고 있는 지역입니다. 코네스토가 대학의 한국 학생들은 학업, 취업과 더불어 워털루 지역에서의 삶을 즐기고 있습니다. 

약 19000명 정도의 풀타임 학생이 있으며, 6500명정도의 국제학생, 한국학생은 120명정도 있습니다.

코네스토가컬리지 Co-op

Conestoga College는 여러 가지 Co-op 프로그램 제공을 많이 하는 편입니다. 이 학교는 University of Waterloo 와 더불어 이 지역에서 높은 취업률을 자랑하는데 많은 기업체들이 Co-op 프로그램을 통하여 학생들에게 직업현장을 배울 기회를 주고 우수한 학생들을 쉽게 취업할 수 있는 발판을 만들어주기 때문입니다.

혹은 코네스토가 대학에서 어학과정 (English for Academic Studies) 을 수료후 입학할 수 있다.

English for Academic Studies 프로그램

총 4단계

1,5,9월 시작할 수 있음.

학비 : 5500불 (1학기 기준)


** 4년제 간호학과 졸업 +1년이상 경력자. (과거 2년안에 경력)

Requirements: Preference is given to students who have at least one year of clinical experience in their home country and who are currently working within the nursing profession.
Applicants should have practiced within the nursing profession in the last two (2) years.  ( 8 month program)  ( 8 month program)

시작일 : 1월,5월,9월

학비 : 6500불 (1 학기 기준)

프로그램명 : Enhanced Nursing Program for Internationally Educated Nurses


Enhanced Nursing Practice - Clinical and Critical Care


TOEFL iBT 88; IELTS 6.5 with no bands less than 6.0 Conestoga English Language Test (CELT) Band 6


ELS program with an overall grade average of 80% and 

no grade less than 75%


1 year experience preferred


Four-year Bachelor's degree in nursing


1 year (8-month program)

Start & Capacity

January/May/September (student:36 each)


$1000 for the second program

Clinical Experience

252 hours in acute care environment (Total: 666 hours)

Work eligibility

Eligibility for RPN or RN test at CNL(Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)


Apply for 2nd program $ 1,000.




Enhanced Professional Practice - Gerontology and Chronic Illness 


TOEFL iBT 88; IELTS 6.5 with no bands less than 6.0 Conestoga English Language Test (CELT) Band 6


ELS program with an overall grade average of 80% and 

no grade less than 75%


1 year experience preferred


Four-year Bachelor's degree in nursing


1 year (8-month program)

Start & Capacity

January/May/September (student:36 each)


4 days in a week  

Placement: Hospitals, Clinic 7:00 am – 7:00pm

Clinical Experience

150 total clinical hours (85 in acute care & 65 in long term care/Total: 622 hours)

Work eligibility

Eligibility for RPN or RN test at CNL(Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)


ENP + EPP = 16 months study à

3-year PGWP

졸업 후 

After these programs, students can apply for NCLEX Waived ielts 7 when students apply NCLEX, CRPN to NNAS

  - Programs by Diplomas 2 year

²  Advertising (Advertising and Marketing Communications)

²  Aviation - General Arts and Science

²  Animation

²  Baking & Pastry Arts Management (Co-op)

²  Biotechnology Technician

²  Broadcast – Radio

²  Broadcasting – Television and Independent Production

²  Business

²  Business International

²  Business – Marketing

²  Business – Purchasing

²  Carpentry and Renovation Technician

²  Computer Programmer

²  Culinary Management (Co-op)

²  Early Childhood Education

²  Early Childhood Education Fast Track - International

²  Educational Support

²  Electrical Engineering Technician

²  Electro-Mechanical Maintenance (Co-op)

²  Electronics Engineering Technician

²  Fitness and Health Promotion

²  Food Processing Technician (Co-op)

²  General Arts and Science – Diploma Option

²  Health Office Administration

²  Hearing Instrument Specialist

²  Heating/Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician

²  Hospitality and Tourism Management (Co-op)

²  Hospitality Management - Hotel and Restaurant (Co-op)

²  Information Technology Support Services (Co-op)

²  Insurance - Property and Casualty (Co-op)

²  Interior Decorating

²  Journalism – Broadcast

²  Journalism – Print

²  Mechanical Technician – Automated Manufacturing (Co-op)

²  Mechanical Technician - CNC

²  Mechanical Technician - General Machinist (Co-op)

²  Mechanical Technician - Tool and Die/Tool Maker (Co-op)

²  Motive Power Technician - Automotive Service

²  Motive Power Technician - Heavy Duty Equipment

²  Motive Power Technician - Motorcycle and Power Sport Vehicles

²  Motive Power Technician - Truck and Coach

²  Nutrition and Food Service Management

²  Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant

²  Office Administration – Executive

²  Packaging Engineering Technician

²  Pre - Health followed by Practical Nursing (HOAE assessment test)

²  Protection / Security and Investigation

²  Public Relations

²  Social Service Worker

²  Software Engineering Technician

²  Visual Merchandising Arts

²  Welding and Fabrication Technician

²  Woodworking Technician

-          Certificate (8 - month)

²  Baking and Pastry Arts

²  Bookkeeping

²  Business Fundamentals

²  Construction Techniques (Carpentry)

²  Construction Techniques (Carpentry, Masonry, HVAC and Welding)

²  Construction Techniques (HVAC, Welding, Plumbing, and Electrical) 

²  Construction Techniques ((Carpentry, Masonry, Welding, Plumbing, and Electrical) 

²  Culinary Skills – Chef Training (Co-op)

²  Design Foundations

²  Electrical Techniques

²  General Arts and Science – One year

²  Heavy Construction Equipment Operation

²  Hospitality Operations – Food & Beverage

²  Human Services Foundation

²  Mechanical Techniques – Plumbing

²  Media Foundations

²  Medical Office Practices

²  Office Administration – General

²  Personal Support Worker

²  Power Engineering Techniques – 4th Class

²  Pre- Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diploma and Degree

²  Pre- Health Sciences Pathway to Diploma and Certificate

²  Renewable Energy Techniques

²  Technology Foundations

²  Welding Techniques

   - Diploma Degree 3 - Year programs 

²  Architecture - Construction Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Business Administration – Accounting (Optional Co-op)

²  Business Administration - Financial Planning

²  Business Administration - Management

²  Business Administration – Marketing (Optional Co-op)

²  Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management (Optional Co-op)

²  Civil Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Computer Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Computer Programmer/Analyst (Optional Co-op)

²  Electrical Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Electronics Engineering Technology -Telecommunications Systems

²  Energy Systems Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Environmental - Civil Engineering Technology

²  Graphic Design

²  IT Innovation and Design (Optional Co-op)

²  Manufacturing Engineering Technology - Welding and Robotics (Co-op)

²  Mechanical Engineering Technology - Automated Manufacturing (Co-op)

²  Mechanical Engineering Technology - Design and Analysis (Co-op)

²  Mechanical Engineering Technology - Robotics and Automation (Co-op)

²  Software Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)

²  Welding Engineering Technology – Inspection

²  Woodworking Technology (Co-op)

   - Programs by Bachelor’s Degrees

²  Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting, Audit, and Information Technology (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science (Honours) (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Architecture - Project and Facility Management (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Community and Criminal Justice (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development (Honours)(Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Engineering – Building Systems Engineering

²  Bachelor of Electronics Systems Engineering (Co-op)

²  Environmental Public Health (Bachelor of) (Honours) (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours) (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) International Business Management (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Mechanical Systems Engineering (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) (Co-op)

²  Bachelor of Environmental Public Health (Honours)


- Programs by Graduate Certificate (1-2 years)

²  Administrative Business Management     1 year

²  Applied Energy Management    2 – year

²  Applied Electronical Motion and Control Management     2 – year

²  Applied Network Infrastructure and System Administration    2 – year

²  Applied Manufacturing Management   2 – year

²  Big Data Solution Architecture (Optional Co-op)      1 year

²  Broadcasting Performance and Digital Media    1 year

²  Community and Social Service Management    1 year

²  Computer Application Security (Optional Co-op)   1 year

²  Computer Application (Optional Co-op)   1 year

²  Construction Management (Optional Co-op)       2 – year

²  Embedded Systems Development (Optional Co-op)     2- year

²  Enhanced Nursing Practice- Clinical and Critical Care     1 year

²  Enhanced Nursing Practice- Gerontology and Chronic Illness      1 year

²  Enterprise Content Management    2- year

²  Environmental Building Science   1 year

²  Environmental Engineering Applications (Optional Co-op)     1 year

²  Event Management

²  Financial Planning Services    1 year

²  Food Safety and Quality Assurance – Food Processing     1 year

²  Global Business Management (Optional Co-op)   1 year

²  Global Hospitality Management (Optional Co-op)   1 year

²  Health Care Administration and Service Management    2 year

²  Human Resources Management (Optional Co-op)    1 year

²  Information Technology Business Analysis – Operations    2 – year

²  Information Technology Network Security   1 year

²  Interactive Media Management – Interaction Design   1 year

²  Mental Health and Substance Abuse – At – Risk Populations       1 year

²  Mobile Solutions Development (Optional Co -op)           2- year

²  Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness     1 year

²  Operations Leadership in Food Manufacturing      1 year

²  Paralegal    1 year

²  Process Quality Engineering    1 year

²  Project Management       1 year

²  Public Relations - Integrated Communications (Optional Co-op)     1 year

²  Robotics and Industrial Automation (Optional Co-op)      2 – year

²  Social Media Marketing    1 year

²  Software Quality Assurance and Test Engineering    1 year

²  Strategic Global Business management     1 year

²  Strategic Marketing Communications       1 year

²  Structural Packing Design and Management     1 year

²  Structural Steel Management and Detailing (Optional Co-op)    2 year

²  Supply Chain Management – Global     1 year

²  Sustainable Business Management (Optional Co-op)       1 year

²  Teaching English as a Second Language    1 year

²  Web Design and Development     2- year

²  Wireless Network Infrastructure   1  year

코네스토가컬리지 학비


Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Systems Engineering 

Software Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op) 

BEST Canada's 조언

1. 온타리오 주에서 가장 빨리 성장하고 있는 칼리지 입니다. 
   지난 5년 동안 등록학생의 증가율이 42%에 달했습니다.
2. 대학평가 (취업률, 고용주 만족도, 재학생 및 졸업생 만족도)에서 온타리오 내에서 
   지속적으로 최고 순위를 유지하고 있습니다.
3. 모두 120개 이상의 풀타임 자격증취득, 디플로마, 학위 및 졸업 후 과정 프로그램을 제공
   많은 과정이 Co-Op 옵션을 제공합니다.
4. 국제학생들을 위한 다양한 프로그램이 있습니다. 
   현재 전체 14,000명의 풀타임 학생 중 에 전 세계 52개국에서 온 850명의 국제학생이 있습니다.
5. 다양한 분야에서 가장 최신의 교육과 훈련을시킬 수 있는 새로운 교육시절과 장비를 보유하고 있습니다.
6. 각자의 전문분야에서 성공하기 위해서 필요한 두 가지, 즉 이론적인 배경과 
   "즉시 채용가능한 기술훈련"을 같이 습득시키는 취업지향교육을 실시합니다.
7. 대학 간 학점공유제와 각종 연계프로그램을 이용하면 시간과 비용을 아끼면서, 
   하나 이상의 학위나 디플로마, 혹은 학점을 취득할 수 있습니다.
8. 국제학생들이 자연스럽고 성공적으로 학교 생활에 적응하고, 이 후 재학기간동안 학업 및 학교생활에
   지속적인 지원을 할 수 있는 국제학생 전담부서를 운용하고 있습니다.
9. 다양한 인종 및 문화를 수용하는 따뜻하고, 포용적이면서 상호 존중하는 학교문화를 가지고 있습니다.
10. 세계수준의 문화 예술과 첨단 기술 산업, 유명한 교육기관 등이 모여 있으며, 
   아울러 각종 스포츠 레저시설이 많이 있고 캐나다의 아름다운 자연경관을 갖고 있는 역동적인 
워털루 지역(Waterloo Region)에 위치해 있습니다.




오시는 길