모학 컬리지 (Mohawk College)가 있는 해밀턴은 토론토에서 차로 40-50분 거리에 있는 인구 70만의 도시입니다.
1966년에 설립된 캐나다 공립컬리지 중에 하나이고, 총 3만 5천 명 이상의 학생 수,
그 중, 세계 90개국 이상의 4,000명 유학생
재학하고 있습니다.
100개가 넘는 전공과 영어(ESL) 과정이 제공되며, 영어과정 수료후엔 공인영어점수 없이
모학컬리지에 입학할 수 있습니다.
토론토 시내, 나이아가라 폭포, 미국 뉴욕주에서 1시간 거리 에 위치하므로,
자녀를 동반하여 무상교육을 희망하시는 가족에게도 좋은 도시입니다.
#공무원유학휴직으로도 많이 가시는 도시이기도 하구요!
Certificate & General Post Secondary Program | Post Graduate & Advanced Post Secondary Programs | |
아이엘츠 | 6.0 ( no band below 5.5) | 6.5 ( no band below 6.0) |
토플 | 80 | 83 |
CAEL (including CAEL online) | 50 ( no band below 40) | 60 ( no band below 50) |
PTE | 50 ( no band below 43) | 58 ( no band below 51) |
듀오링고 | 105-110 | 115-120 |
듀오링고는 현재 2023년 7월 수업시작까지만 인정하고 있습니다. 변경되면 추후 업데이트 예정 | ||
Mohawk EAP 과정 수료 |
학기제로 운영 - 2023년 9월 학기부터
수업 학기 - 1월, 5월, 9월 (14주 코스)
학비 : 6718.23불 (2023년 5월학기까지 기준)
총 3개 레벨 과 Pre-EAP 과정이 있음.
아래 레벨에 따라 레벨에 따라 반 배정이 되며
공인영어 점수가 있다면, 그 점수로 레벨배정 됩니다.
iTEP 시험비용이 저렴하고 온라인으로 시험이 가능하니
학교에서는 이 시험방법 추천하네요!
Semester 1: IELTS 3.5, no band below 3, or equivalent.
Semester 2: IELTS 4.5, no band below 4, or equivalent
Semester 3: IELTS 5.5, no band below 5, or equivalent
Pre-EAP: IELTS 2.5, no band below 2.5.
** 최종레벨 수료후 영어점수 증빙없이 모학컬리지 입학 가능합니다 (조건부 입학) **
공무원 유학휴직 등 자녀무상을 계획하는 가족
대도시 근처에 머물기를 원하는 분
대학 졸업후 미국이나 캐나다 대학교로 편입을 희망하는 분
온타리오 해밀턴에 위치한 모학컬리지에서 23년도 5월학기 국제학생을 모집합니다.
다른 주(Province)에 비해 보건 계열학과에 국제학생을 오픈해주는 곳은 온타리오주가
가장 활발합니다.
다만 늘 국제학생 자리가 너무 적어서 금방 마감되고 막상 들어가기도 너무 힘든대요.
23년 1월이나 9월학기 간호학과 희망했던 학생들에겐 좋은 소식이라 생각 됩니다.
Academic Requirements
OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including:
Language Requirements for Internationally Educated Students:
23년 5월학기에 시작해서 쭉 4학기 듣는 과정입니다.
약 18,500불 (1년기준, 2학기)
조건이 되는지 안되는지는 먼저 문의주세요.^^
상담 문의
카톡 bestcanada1
지원비 : 100불
학비 : 15000불 내외 (1년기준, 2학기)
공학 - 항공정비, 컴퓨터, 기계, 엘리베이터 등
비지니스 - 마케팅, 회계, 인사, 관광 등
복지 - 유아교육, 사회복지, 교육 지원 등
음악 - 클래식, 현대음악, 보컬, 바이올린 등
헬스 - 간호학, 물리치료, 심혈관, 마사지 등
미디어 - 3D 애니메이션, 컴퓨터그래픽, 저널리즘 등
총 105개의 전공
•226 - Advanced Police Studies Graduate Certificate
•275 - Advanced Radio Broadcasting Graduate Certificate
•174 - Advanced Security Management Graduate Certificate
•650 - Advertising Advanced Diploma
•660 - Applied Music Advanced Diploma
•105 - Applied Music Preparatory Certificate
•420 - Architectural Technician Diploma
•531 - Architectural Technology Advanced Diploma
•270 - Art & Design Foundations Certificate
•164 - Autism & Behavioural Science Graduate Certificate
•269 - Aviation Technician – Aircraft Maintenance Diploma
•Bachelor of Technology Partnership: Degree Completion
•Bachelor of Technology Partnership: Four-year Degree
•444/445 - Biotechnology Technician Diploma
•736/756 - Biotechnology Technician (Health) Diploma
•220 - Broadcast - Radio Diploma
•651 - Broadcasting - Television & Communications Media Advanced Diploma
•316/356 - Business - Accounting Diploma
•303 - Business - Financial Services Diploma
•320 - Business (General) Diploma
•319/359 - Business - Marketing Diploma
•632 - Business Administration Advanced Diploma
•248 - Business Foundations Certificate
•728 - Cardiovascular Technology Diploma
•533 - Chemical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
•553 - Chemical Engineering Technology - Environmental Advanced Diploma
•610 - Child & Youth Worker Advanced Diploma
•421 - Civil Engineering Technician Diploma
•534 - Civil Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
•286/288 - Community & Justice Services Diploma
•284 - Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) Certificate
•552 - Computer Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
•447/455 - Computer Systems Technician - Network Systems Diploma
•558/548 - Computer Systems Technician - Software Support Diploma
•555 - Computer Systems Technology - Network Engineering & Security Analyst Advanced Diploma
•559 - Computer Systems Technology - Software Development Advanced Diploma
•252 - Concurrent Disorders Graduate Certificate
•462 - Construction Engineering Technician – Building Renovation Diploma
•451 - Construction Engineering Technician Diploma
•277 - Creative Photograpy - Still & Motion Diploma
•717 - Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography Graduate Certificate
•755 - Diploma RPN to BScN Degree
•213 - Early Childhood Education Diploma
•263 - Early Childhood Education (Intensive) Diploma
•213 - Early Childhood Education (Accelerated International) Diploma
•727 - Educational Assistant Diploma
•403/433 - Electrical Engineering Technician - Power Diploma
•536 - Electrical Engineering Technology - Control Advanced Diploma
•281/282 - Energy Systems Engineering Technician – Clean and Renewable Energy Diploma
•260 - Energy Systems Engineering Technology – Clean & Renewable Energy Advanced Diploma
•453/463 - Environmental Technician Diploma
•384 - Event Management - Convention & Meeting Graduate Certificate
•317 - Financial Planning Graduate Certificate
•049 - Gas & Oil Burner Technician II Certificate
•230 - General Arts & Science Certificate Program - 1 Year - Brantford
•230 - General Arts & Science Certificate Program - 1 Year - Fennell
•208 - General Arts & Science Certificate Program - 2 Year - Fennell
•208 - General Arts & Science Diploma Program - 2 Year (1st year Brantford, 2nd year Fennell)
•278 - General Arts & Science - English for Academic Purposes Certificate
•271/272 - Graphic Design Production – Creative Studio Diploma
•273/274 - Graphic Design Production – Digital Media Diploma
•257/267 - Graphic Design Production - Integrated Animation Diploma
•268/468 - Health, Wellness & Fitness Diploma
•180 - Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Techniques Certificate
•113 - Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate
•276 - Human Services Foundation Certificate
•464 - Industrial Woodworking Technician Diploma
•132 - Instructor for Blind & Visually Impaired - Orientation & Mobility Graduate Certificate
•133 - Instructor for Blind & Visually Impaired – Rehabilitation (Teaching) Graduate Certificate
•318 - Insurance Diploma
•116 - International Business Management Graduate Certificate
•205 - Journalism - Print & Broadcast Advanced Diploma
•239-259 - Law & Security Administration – Private Security Diploma
•413/473 - Manufacturing Engineering Technician – Automation (Industrial Mechanic Millwright) Diploma
•115 - Manufacturing Techniques Certificate
•529 - Mechanical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
•729 - Medical Radiation Sciences Advanced Diploma & Degree
•187 - Motive Power Fundamentals Certificate
•446 - Motive Power Technician Diploma
•731 - Nursing - BScN Degree
•746 - Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant Diploma
•327 - Office Administration – Executive Diploma
•380 - Office Administration – General Certificate
•328 - Office Administration – Legal Diploma
•329 - Office Administration – Medical Diploma
•110 - Personal Support Worker Certificate
•407 - Pharmacy Technician Diploma
•218/258 - Police Foundations Diploma
•482 - Power Engineering Techniques Certificate
•715 - Practical Nursing Diploma
•715 - Practical Nursing with Aboriginal Communities Diploma
•758 - Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridging Stream)
•246 - Pre-Health Certificate
•250 - Pre-Justice Certificate
•194 - Pre-Media & Entertainment Certificate
•168 - Pre-Technology Certificate
•293/294 - Protection, Security & Investigation Diploma
•166 - Public Relations Graduate Certificate
•436/439 - Quality Engineering Technician - Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Diploma
•214 - Recreation & Leisure Services Diploma
•283 - Recreation Therapy Diploma
•179 - Small Business & Entrepreneurship Certificate
•215 - Social Service Worker Diploma
•314 - Tourism & Travel Diploma
•543 - Transportation Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
•406 - Urban & Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Diploma
•486 - Utilities Systems Operator Certificate